Aviation Weather View - Mount Beauty, Victoria

This site is NOT an approved source of weather data for aviation operations
and there is no guarantee of the accuracy or completeness of the data provided.

Please refer to www.ymbt.org.au for additional information
and "like" the Mount Beauty Airport facebook page so we can
communicate operational information to you.
How to interpret the wind rose
Updated 0711Z
(22-Dec-2024 at 18:11:30 local) Temperature 27.8°C QNH is 1000.7 Humidity is 25% RH Dewpoint is 6.0°C Wind: 12 KT from 331 degrees magnetic (319 true) Runway 14 Crosswind 3KT Left to Right 12KT downwind Runway 32 Crosswind 3KT Right to Left Wind last 5 minutes: Average 12 KT